Simulation and analysis with R and LDSC

First, we generate the ld score based on the genotype file. This function only need be estimated once

module load ldsc source activate ldsc-1.0.1 –bfile geno –ld-wind-cm 1 –out chr1_select –bfile ../../Cric_HF_RealData/rawdata/cric.filtered.maf0.01 –extract ./temp/snplist.txt –ld-wind-kb 1000 –out ./temp/geno

Implement the LDSC regression

SimuLDSC = function(Z1, N1, Z2, N2, Nc=0, weight=T, CSTR = T,
                           info = NA, LDSCORE, corenum = 1, output.dir){
  if(length(Z1) != length(Z2) ){stop("Z scores should have the same length.")}

    print("update info") = data.frame(SNP = info$SNP , Z = Z1, N =  N1,
                         A1 =  "A", A2 = "G", stringsAsFactors = F)
    colnames( = c("SNP",  "Z", "N", "A1", "A2")
    fwrite(, file = paste0(output.dir, "Z1.sumstats") , quote = F, sep = "\t", col.names=T, na = "NA" ) = data.frame(SNP = info$SNP , Z = Z2, N =  N2,
                         A1 = "A",  A2 = "G", stringsAsFactors = F)
    colnames( = c("SNP", "Z", "N", "A1", "A2")
    fwrite(, file = paste0(output.dir, "Z2.sumstats"), quote = F, sep = "\t", col.names=T, na = "NA" )
  if(weight == T){
    name = paste0(output.dir, "LDSC")
    system(paste0(" --rg ",paste0(J, "Z1.sumstats,"), paste0(J, "Z2.sumstats"),
                  " --ref-ld ", LDSCORE," --w-ld ",LDSCORE," --intercept-h2 1,1 --out ",name))



read the LDSC output

read.LDSC = function(output.dir){
  H = fread(paste0(output.dir, "LDSC.log"), fill = T)
  result.all = rep(NA, 8)
  result.gecr = unlist(H[(stringr::str_detect(unlist(H), "Genetic Correlation:"))]) %>% str_split(, pattern = " ") %>% unlist()
  result.heri = unlist(H[(stringr::str_detect(unlist(H), "Total Observed scale h2:"))]) %>%  str_split(, pattern = " ") %>% unlist()
  result.gecov = unlist(H[(stringr::str_detect(unlist(H), "Total Observed scale gencov:"))]) %>% str_split(, pattern = " ") %>% unlist()
  result.P = unlist(H[(stringr::str_detect(unlist(H), "P:"))]) %>%
    str_split(, pattern = " ") %>% unlist()

    result =  as.numeric(unlist(regmatches(result.gecr,gregexpr("-?\\ *[0-9]+\\.?[0-9]*(?:[Ee]\\ *-?\\ *[0-9]+)?",result.gecr, perl=TRUE))))
    result.all[1] = result[1]
    result.all[2] = result[2]

    result =  as.numeric(unlist(regmatches(result.heri,
                                           gregexpr("-?\\ *[0-9]+\\.?[0-9]*(?:[Ee]\\ *-?\\ *[0-9]+)?",
                                                    result.heri, perl=TRUE))))
    result.all[3] = result[2]
    result.all[4] = result[3]
    result.all[5] = result[5]
    result.all[6] = result[6]


    result =  as.numeric(unlist(regmatches(result.gecov,
                                           gregexpr("-?\\ *[0-9]+\\.?[0-9]*(?:[Ee]\\ *-?\\ *[0-9]+)?",
                                                    result.gecov, perl=TRUE))))
    result.all[7] = result[1]
    result.all[8] = result[2]
    zscore = result[1]/result[2]
    pvalue = 2* (1 - pnorm(abs(zscore)))
    pvalue = NA
  return( c(GeCv.pv = pvalue, GeCr.pv = as.numeric(result.P[2])) )
Jianqiao Wang
Jianqiao Wang
Assistant Professor

My research interests include statistical genetics and genomics.